Home Cryptocurrency A Brutal View of the ICO Boom

A Brutal View of the ICO Boom

by Tony Lewis

Dennis is the Founder of Crypto Trader News and ICOSuccess.com. He is the author Behold the Cryptopreneurs: How to thrive as a cryptopreneur in the new blockchain economy without feeling like a used car salesman.

Dennis is a seasoned digital storyteller and blockchain marketing specialist with a proven track record in both Europe and the United States. He has successfully lead to market and exited multiple startup companies, and prides himself on his ability to make complex projects easy to understand and relatable. In a marketing landscape increasingly obsessed with shiny objects and overly complicated sales funnels, Dennis still believes that the key to any successful marketing campaign are the words on the page.

Listen to Dennis’ interview as an expert guest on The Trader Cobb Crypto podcast, hosted by Craig Cobb.

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