The Puma Browser seems as if it is the Ripple ecosystem’s response to the Brave browser.
The Puma browser is created to be a privacy oriented web browser with an innovative option to pay for content and services without the use of traditional monetization options such as ads and tracking.
The Puma browser will work with Coil, a company focused on simplifying the process of rewarding content creators for their work to provide a streamlined end-to-end user experience.
The company will be another contributor to the Web Monetization standard and will help to foster growth within the sector. Web monetization will be important because it will serve as an open standard which provides for the streaming of micro payments.
The browser will serve as the first mobile browser to have support for the Interledger Protocol.
Early pioneers within the space are of the thought that this will help to disrupt how content is consumed and rewarded.
The browser will have a key focus around a new monetization model, privacy, and a better mobile browsing user experience.
Puma Technologies
The people behind the Puma Browser is Yuriy Dybskiy and a few others as well. Yuriy previously worked as a Software Engineer and Developer Relations at Nexmo, Lyft, Parse, Facebook, Meteor, and IBMcloudant.
Users can sign up for early previews for iOS (through Testflight) and Android. To get early access to the beta mobile application, sign up here. As noted above, the content is still within Beta and can be tested via TestFlight (iOS) or APK download for Android.
The Puma Browser Explained
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