Home CryptocurrencyAltcoins We Love These Top 5 Charitable Cryptocurrencies

We Love These Top 5 Charitable Cryptocurrencies

by Pragati Shrivastava

Charitable organizations often encounter barriers to success due to lack of transparency, accountability issues, and limits to the ways they can accept donations. Crypto-philanthropy, with the use of blockchain technology, offers an alternative solution that may help these organizations receive donations and raise funds more efficiently.

There is still a long way to go until cryptocurrencies are globally adopted, and crypto-philanthropy is still very new, but there are a growing number of charitable organizations that have already embraced cryptocurrency as a donation method. If you are a philanthropist and crypto-enthusiast, you may have to really search for organizations that you wish to give to, otherwise you’re still stuck in a fiat money world, but we have a short list of crypto-friendly charitable organizations for you to explore.


AidCoin is an ERC20 token that aims to become the preferred method to donate transparently through the Ethereum blockchain and to access the ecosystem of services provided by the AIDChain platform. The project is conceived and developed by CharityStars, the auction platform for charitable fundraising. CharityStars has raised more than $10M supporting 500+ charities.

Donation Coin

Donation Coin believes that with many small contributions there can be a lasting impact on our world. Donation Coin leverages state-of-the-art software to transfer value instantly, with near non-existent fees, and anywhere in the world. The future of charitable donations in cryptocurrencies is Donation Coin.

Clean Water Coin

For some people on the planet, access to clean drinking water is as easy as turning on your faucet. But for nearly 1 billion people, clean water just isn’t available. In most cases, men, women, and children have one single source of water that is highly contaminated. 9/10 of deaths that are a result of unsafe and contaminated water are children under the age of 5. The Clean Water Coin Initiative is the first ever coin designed and developed to be a nonprofit organization. The coin lets a community actively participate in helping provide clean water. The community can easily track spends from the campaign page.


Giftcoin is used for charitable giving and good causes. Giftcoin’s vision is to aid people every time they give money to charity and good causes. The coin assures users that they can have total trust that your funds are going exactly where you want them to.


Feathercoin was conceived as a coin that is faster than most others, hence the name. The coin takes its lightness and suitability for featherlight payments from its faster block processing (one block every minute) and the generous supply of 336 million coins (of which about 210m are currently in circulation). This coin was forked to focus on charity payments.

Do you support a charitable cryptocurrency that is not on our shortlist? Let us know in comments or connect with us on our social media. We’d love to hear from you.

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