As opposed to “Wallet Watcher,” our new venture into investing in various cryptocurrencies while keeping a close eye on their progress, will be updated twice weekly under the Altcoin Trader headline.
Of course we just launched this a couple of days ago, so there’s not much to report at this point except for the fact that we’re completely in the red right now. It’s been a rough few days for almost all altcoins.
Just to refresh everyone, last week we made a $600 investment into several different altcoins.
1 – ETH
1 – Dash
1 – LTC
1 – Stellar
10 – EOS
39 – Chainlink
190 – XRP (accidentally reported as 150 last week)
Here’s a quick glance at the overall changes:

To give more of a transparent view, here’s a snapshot of the wallet from earlier today (11/18)

If you add up column C in that image, our investment is at $570.52
Down almost $30.
Okay, not a start to get happy about.
However, we know that this is absolutely nothing to worry about and we’ll continue to HODL and watch the market closely.
We’ll have another update on this every Monday and Friday, so it should be really interesting to see exactly how this all plays out over the coming days, weeks, and months.
As far as news on our altcoins goes, there haven’t been any new highlights other than the following:
Dash – Dash Core announced they will be hosting an open house on December 7 in order to showcase the upcoming
launch of Evolution (the Dash Platform) for the open-source developer community. Perhaps we’ll see some positive movement on Dash is the days after.
Again, this is just 3 days after starting the wallet, so it may take a bit before we see any real movement.
Check back Friday for another update and if you think we should invest more or less into a particular coin, let us know below.
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