Now of course, please remember that you should pay heed to our disclaimer and not base your investments or portfolio on our actions or reports. We do what we do for the sake of education and entertainment and aren’t financial advisors by any stretch of the imagination.
As a case in point, our initial Wallet investment of $600 a few weeks ago was worth a non-impressive $430.27 as of last week. See, you’d be all pissed off at me if you had made the same investments and the thing is, we’re not quite done yet.
Though our altcoins of choice have been in the red pretty much since the moment we made our purchases, we still think it’s the perfect time to invest. It’s just taking longer for the bounce back to transpire than what we’d hoped.
With that in mind… we decided to double-down on our investment. Well actually, it’s close to triple-down.
Investing in Altcoin
As of yesterday morning we purchased an additional $900 USD of cryptocurrency. This time out however, we decided to purchase a little more ETH and XRP, as well as add some Bitcoin into our portfolio.
So, we split it will $500 into XRP, $200 in ETH, and $200 in BTC.
Here’s an update on how much of each crypto we’re currently holding.
Bitcoin – 0.026
Ether – 2.51
XRP – 2,738
LTC – 1.01
EOS – 10.2
Dash – 1.01
Stellar – 1,001
Chainlink – 39.16
So, you can view last week’s update to see the original investment and how it did over 5 weeks, but starting today we’ll be using a new starting point to track the entire portfolio.
Here’s a screenshot of the Wallet as of the purchases yesterday morning.

With it being Christmas Eve, I’m not going to go into a spreadsheet comparing the original starting price to today’s and all that jazz. There’s too much math involved and I’m almost ready to start hitting the eggnog.
Suffice it to say that next week we’ll take a deeper look at where we were, where we’re at, and what the investment as a whole is looking like. Sound off and let us know what you think… are we stupid for investing now? Should we invest more? Are we missing a hidden gem that we should add?
From everyone here at CTN, we wish you and yours a very safe and happy holiday seasons. My all your alts be Bulls and your Wallets be in the green for the New Year. Thanks for a wonderful 2019 everyone, we are truly looking forward to expanding through the upcoming year and bringing you the news, interviews, and helpful data that hopefully helps us all understand our little cryptosphere a little better.
Merry Christmas Everyone!