Home Investing & Trading Why BNB is the Best Coin to Buy in 2019

Why BNB is the Best Coin to Buy in 2019

by Alan Daniel

Binance has grown to be one of the most prominent cryptocurrency exchanges on the market. The founder, CZ, and his team are not expected to slow down any time soon. As such, cryptocurrency enthusiasts have faith and trust in Binance. The exchange continued to move onward during the bear market and has recently proved that it will try to keep users aware and up to date of changes, hacks, and other events that may affect users. The entity is also accessible globally and has a rabid base of users.

The Rise of the Binance Token
The Binance token continued to stay strong and provide solid returns even while the rest of the cryptocurrency market stayed relatively flat over the first half of 2019. BNB, initially priced at the $5.5 range has slowly trended upward over January and double up by March.

The token went on to triple in value by mid march and saw further increase by April. The token is still steady at the $30.00 range.

Binance is expected to host a wide variety of offerings over the course of the year, which should make way for more use and value accrued to its BNB token.

The Most Use and Speculation Value
The exchange has just completed the Harmony Token sale, airdrops of its token, an increase in use value, further deployment in countries such as Singapore, and has added more to platforms such as Binance Academy.

The entity also strives to add more value to its token.

The Binance token may be used as collateral, to make payments, to save on trade fees, and to do a variety of other activities such as paying travel expenses and making impact investments.

There’s a lot to love about the binance token, primarily, its useful in more ways than one.

Binance Exchange and Endurance
The exchange is quite likely one of the most durable exchanges within the cryptocurrency sector and seems to be doing more to bring awareness to the sector. Binance conducts philanthropy in emerging markets such as Uganda, stimulates activity with promo’s and lotteries, furthers efforts such as the Binance Labs Fellowship to develop the cryptocurrency ecosystem.

Further partnerships with innovative entities within the cryptocurrency sector and relationships with regulators and officials in places like Argentina also speak to the potential growth and dominance of Binance.

As such, at the current moment, there is no reason to doubt the stability and the durability of the exchange.

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