From the earliest concepts, the editors, researchers, and writers here at CTN have strived to bring you the best “inside” information on the cryptocurrency industry and blockchain technology as a whole.
While the majority of us are indeed invested in the market in various ways and have a vested interest in the prosperity of the technology, we also truly believe in the potential it has to transform SO many different industries. Which is a big reason why we’ve invested so much time and money.
Sure, we provide tips on buying and selling altcoins and our main page always has the current market prices for some of the more popular cryptocurrencies, but we wanted to give a closer look… and maybe make a little profit in the process.
So, today we’re happy to unveil our newest project: CTN Wallet Watcher.
Earlier this morning, we created a brand new wallet on Coinbase Pro and made a moderate investment of $600 USD, spreading it out among a handful of cryptos as follows:
1 – ETH
1 – Dash
1 – LTC
1 – Stellar
10 – EOS
39 – Chainlink
150 – XRP

Twice weekly, on Monday and Friday, we’ll provide an updated Wallet Watcher article along with any pertinent news on the altcoins we’ve invested in.
We’ll be watching our investment closely and while our main objective is to HODL, report, and perhaps even invest more, we do want to make a profit and will sell and buy altcoins as deemed appropriate in our infinite wisdom.
This endeavor will give everyone a chance to monitor the progress of the coins and the companies behind them. It will also give us the ability to report on any trends and pass along any tips that we think may interest you.
Of course this a fluid project, meaning that we may change things up as we move forward, but the goal is to keep a close eye on our investment and see exactly what we can do with it. Whether you’re completely new to cryptocurrencies or you’ve been in the game since the beginning, the CTN Wallet Watcher is virtually destined to be a useful tool.
Got an altcoin you think we should consider added to CTN Wallet Watcher? Comment below or reach out to me directly at to tell us why and we’ll take it into consideration.
[…] Altcoins […]
[…] Altcoins […]
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