The Crypto Trader News Altcoin Trader update is a real life journey of a crypto investor who has a budget and the same market analysis tools as the next guy. Our experiences may include successful trades or they’ll take a beating as the market flounders, but we’re in this with you, the trader.
Well, another week and another drop in the cryptocurrency market. However, thankfully this one was much more shallow than the last dip and only took Cryptotradernews’ total holdings down to $457.36. Which, if you remember from the last update, is down from $466.91 this past week and our initial investment of $600 a few weeks ago.
I’ll take a $9-ish drop over the $100 loss from last week any day.
However, myself (as well as my boss who forked over the funds for this little venture) would much rather see this market turn around once and for all. And looking at the crypto market yesterday, today, and this week’s update, perhaps (PERHAPS) December is starting to show signs of ridding us of this Bloody November once and for all.
Altcoin Performance this Week
Last week saw several of our coins of choice experiencing some of their all-time lows and while they haven’t bounced back, at least the drop has slowed down. In fact, we saw some of the first positive growth on a couple of coins since our investment and the others had minimal drops compared to recent weeks.
Let’s take a look at where we were, and where we are as of today.

As I said earlier, I’ll take this week over last any day.
Here’s this update’s wallet shot and as you can see, we’ve stopped bleeding money at this point. Which is probably good for my continued employment.

Unfortunately, there hasn’t been any news this week that jumped out at me from the altcoin camps, but I wanted to get this update “on the books” so to speak. Be sure to check back next time to see how we’re doing with our little cryptocurrency altcoin investment.
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