Home Technology How Tesla Can Incorporate Blockchain Into Its Cars

How Tesla Can Incorporate Blockchain Into Its Cars

by Brandon Harville

Elon Musk and the engineers at Tesla have demonstrated time and again that they’re committed to giving the public access to the latest technology. From self-driving automobiles to batteries strong enough to power a large home, Tesla is constantly exploring new ways to innovate and disrupt various industries. And when you think about it, technological innovation and disruption are two core components of blockchain technology. Which is why it’d be fitting for Tesla to integrate the technology into their automobiles.

Here are some ways Tesla can enhance their cars through blockchain technology.

  • Tracking maintenance and repairs: Every time the car gets repaired or serviced, that information can be tracked on the blockchain. The driver can then be presented with various automated messages letting them know when their next maintenance needs to be scheduled.
  • Recording the car’s condition: Accidents and major repairs can be recorded on the blockchain and pulled up by potential buyers interested in purchasing a second-hand Tesla. That way, they can get a better idea of the condition of the car before buying it.
  • Enhanced security: Blockchain applications can be integrated into the car’s security system, giving only authorized users access to the automobile’s functions.
  • Sharing automated driving data: Because information stored on the blockchain is shared across a distributed network, cars can share information collected with each other in real-time. For self-driving cars, this is especially important because they collect data any time they’re in use, and can then distribute that information across the network so that all participating automobiles learn from sharing driving data.
  • Track electronic charging stations: Blockchain technology can make it possible for drivers to track country-wide recharging stations in real-time. That way, they always know which stations are and aren’t operational. This can be especially useful when taking long-distance trips, as there currently aren’t as many recharging stations as there are gas pumps.
  • Update firmware and other functions in real-time: Blockchain technology allows all Tesla cars to initiate updates as soon as they’re ready. For self-driving cars, this is important since outdated AI software could create hazards on the road.

Blockchain technology has the ability to transform the way information is shared. Tesla, the world’s most forward-thinking automobile manufacturer, has the opportunity to introduce that technology in the automotive industry. Whether they choose to do it or not is anybody’s guess, but we certainly think it’d be a great opportunity to integrate blockchain into mainstream society.

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